

Trade Alert, LLC is now a Cboe Global Markets company. We provide software and services focused on the synthesis and distribution of securities market intelligence to financial professionals.

Trade Alert systems are designed to meet the highest "mission critical" standards found in the industry. System architecture combines proprietary software, ultra low latency market data and high performance computing to notify users of market activity and order flow dynamics relevant to their business in real-time. Our tools supplement in-house systems, complement existing market information platforms, and fill a significant need for a growing number of sales and trading professionals.

We deliver valuable, unbiased, time-sensitive information without conflict of interest. Trade Alert systems and procedures adhere to strict security and privacy guidelines; your information will never be shared, sold, or otherwise compromised.

The Trade Alert team brings over 40 years experience in derivatives trading and technology from exchange floors and small proprietary operations to the largest derivative desks on Wall Street. Together they bring unique insight into the challenges and demands presented by today's automated and fragmented markets, key to the innovative and efficient tools Trade Alert provides.

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